Finally, after 31 days I made it a point to write something on my blog. It is not that I had nothing to write in last whole month, actually the last 31 days can be said to be something really special in my life, it just happens that I was too lethargic to write the whole thing. Here's how the "Pichle 31 din" went...
Tai goes to UK:
My sister went on-site for her company to UK on 2oth July. I spent the previous week shopping with my sister and practically being everywhere she needed me. I along with my parent went to Mumbai to see her off at the airport. While saying "Good Bye", I realized that now I wont be seeing her for the next two months and how much I am going to miss her. After waving her good bye, I came back to Pune to start the second innings of my life ie the Professional Career.
My First job:
I joined VMware Software India Pvt. Ltd., Pune office on 21st of July 2008. This is my first job and I was very excite to start my professional career. I admired VMware as a software company from the day I used its Workstation, which I had used somewhere in 2005 for getting acquainted with Linux without actually making any change to my Windows desktop. When I used Workstation for the first time my reaction was "WOW". At that time I never dream t about working with the same company.
In December 2007, there was a small notice put up on the T&P notice board that VMware will be coming for campus hiring. After reading the notice I decided to sit for a Pre-Placement Talk after almost 4 months. In the PPT, Dilip(my current Manager) gave a technical overview of what the company does. In one of the slides there was a cool animation of virtual servers moving across physical machines. After seeing it my reaction was "Wow is it possible", and this was the time when I started desiring for the job more than anything. Well to cut the long story short, after some very interesting interviews I got the job. VMware offered job to me and my good friend Sumedh that day and we were the happiest people on the planet that day.
On 21st July, I went to my office to join as a Member of Technical Staff R&D. The whole day went in paper work and photocopying and scanning documents. It was the day when I wrote my address 50 times, name a 100 times and signed 1000 times. The day went by meeting senior colleagues and getting to know their experiences at VMware.
The next two weeks went in setting the machines, knowing the product and understanding the work. Then came the third week when I was suppose to go to Bangalore office for an Engineering Boot camp along with other new joinees.
Bangalore Trip:
I went to Bangalore for the Engineering Boot camp, in which all the new joinees get introduced to the technologies in the company and also its culture. Everything in this trip was a something new and exciting being my first "business trip".
First of all, I was really impressed with the arrangement that the company had made for our stay in Bangalore. It was a reputed business hotel, Pai Viceroy, in Bangalore with all the necessary amenities. The rest of the days, I would come from the office relax in the room, watch the TV and surf the net.
The next day, after lot of wandering and changing couple of auto rickshaws, I reached my office. The office was simply beautiful. I was happy to meet Sumedh after a long time. Also I was excited that I will be getting a company laptop. The day was marked with introduction to the company products and a look into VMware culture. This was the time when I got a grasp of how big VMware truly was, and that I am extremely lucky to have it as my first job. At the end of the day I had my laptop with me and went to hotel to relax.
For the following week, I use to go to office, attend the boot camp, meet other people and relax at hotel. Finally on Saturday, I came back to Pune. The trip to Bangalore was a great experience and something important in my professional career.
Independence day at VMware:
We had an ethnic day at VMware to celebrate the 61st Independence day. We had a pizza lunch, prizes for the most ethnically dressed employee and also an intra office carom competition. The pics of the event are uploaded on
This is all what happened in "Pichle 31 din"... :) :) :)
15 years ago